Friday, 25 May 2012

The Revolution Has Ended

Over the past couple of days Egyptians have gone to the polls to vote for a new president. This is the first time that Egyptians have been able to elect their head of state in their country’s long history. Currently votes are being counted and it looks like there is a three way split between the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, Mohammed Morsi, Hosni Mubarak’s (the previous president who was ousted by the revolution) most recent Prime Minister, Ahmed Shafiq and the leftist, Hamdeen Sabahy. Although turnout was very low at only 47% it is still an amazing moment in Egyptian politics as it looks like democracy may finally come to Egypt. If democracy succeeds in Egypt it will have a remarkable impact on the region, Egypt is the largest Arab country and is a close ally to the West and the only Muslim country to try and broker peace with Israel.

A spokesman for Shafiq has claimed that “The revolution has ended” thanks to the election, although many activists believe that it will only end when the military gives up its power. Yet it still is a watershed moment and will hopefully mark the beginning of democracy in Egypt.

There is a fear that Egypt may not take well to democracy and end up lapsing back into dictatorship, the extremist side of Islam will certainly try and take hold of Egypt. Let’s hope they don’t succeed. Egypt’s minority Coptic Christian community fear that a Muslim Brotherhood President will ignore their religious liberties and impose sections of Sharia law on Egypt. If Egypt’s democracy is going to succeed the West need to help prop up the regime against the forces that will try and destroy it.

An Egyptian women casts a vote in the election

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