Friday, 18 May 2012

G8 Summit Crucial in Greek Crisis

The G8 meet in Camp David, Maryland, United States today. The group represents the eight most powerful industrialised nations; Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom and United States as well as a representative from the EU. Also attending some of the G8 meetings are Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa. The main focus of the meeting will be is the world’s 35th largest economy: Greece. Obama (who is President of the G8 this year) is urging European leaders to come to an agreement to try and sort out Europe’s failing economy. Obama believes that what happens in Europe is extraordinarily important.

The G8 summit is the first meeting between Obama and Hollande, both presidents are advocates of stimulus to try and create jobs and boost economic growth. Obama calls for the focus in Europe to move away from austerity and towards the stimulus, the Eurozone is a huge trading partner for the United States and any serious trouble would throw America’s recovery off course. Obama has called on a stimulus specifically for Greece, but America will not provide a cent of this money; he believes the Germans must pay for this. Hollande and Obama are hoping that they will be able to persuade Merkel and the Germans to re-orientate Europe away from austerity.

Although Greece and the Eurozone’s woes will be the main focus of the meeting also on the table are the likes of Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the possibility of releasing oil reserves to keep the price of petrol down. Despite this there is no doubt that Greece will dominate the talks.

G8 Countries in Dark Green (EU in light green)
courtesy of wikipedia

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