Monday, 7 May 2012

French and Greek Elections

Elections in Greece and France have rocked Europe today, the markets turned down as the news of a socialist president in France came in. In Greece the majority of people voted for anti-austerity parties, yet the pro-austerity party New Democracy managed to come in first. Although New Democracy came first, they did not win a majority of seats so attempted to form a coalition but was unable to. As a result it is now up to the party that came second, the “Coalition of the left” to try and form a coalition. If no party is able to form a coalition then the Greeks will have to vote again.

The Golden Dawn Logo is
very close to the Swastika
What was more worrying in the Greek elections was the rise of the neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn which got 7% of the vote. Golden Dawn opposes the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution and supports Hellenism and Greek Orthodoxy. This bizarre party is entirely legitimate and not a comedy party as you might hope. They genuinely oppose science, modern medicine and anything remotely modern, I do believe these people are beyond reasonable discussion and I hope their rise does not go beyond 7%.

Back in France Hollande has promised Europe and alternative to austerity and that there is hope for growth and restoration of Europe’s battered economy. Despite having a radically different viewpoint to Merkel they have both stressed the importance of the Franco-German relationship and that it will always remain amicable.  Most people do believe that even though Hollande and Merkel have difference opinions they will try and work together, after all both people only want to keep the Eurozone strong and continue with the European project… They just have very different views of how to get there.

The new face of France...
and Europe?

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