Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Syrian Conflict Continues

The violence in Syria is worse than most people realise according to a new report from Human Rights Watch. Research by the organisation has found that people detained by the Syrian government were tortured extremely harshly, detainees were beaten, burned with acid and sexually abused. The report also claims that torture in institutional, sanctioned by the highest levels of the Syrian government. The organisation is calling for the International Criminal Court to call for the arrest of top level Syrian officials, in a similar style to what it did for Colonel Gaddafi and his family. The only problem with this is that Russia, Syria’s ally, could (and would) block any attempt to do so.

To anyone who has been paying even the slightest bit of attention to the Syrian conflict, this will come as no surprise. But nonetheless it helps to apply pressure to Syria’s few remaining allies to abandon the Assad regime and back Arab and Western Nations proposals for regime change.

I still believe that the best thing that the UN could do, would be a UN peacekeeping mission that would try and reconcile both sides, this could plausibly get Russia on side and would be appealing to the West. Although I believe regime change is inevitable, a peacekeeping force would be the first step towards such an event.

Syrian Conflict has destroyed the country
Source: Wall Street Journal

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