Saturday, 2 June 2012

Mubarak Sentenced to Life

Many in Egypt never thought this day would come, the day when Hosni Mubarak was finally sentenced for his crimes. Today he was sentenced to life imprisonment on the charge of ordering the killing of protestors during the revolution that threw him from power. When the verdict was announced it was met with jubilation from the friends and family of those killed in the revolution. Despite the good start to the day things began to turn sour after six senior ministry of interior officials were acquitted of all crimes. Of these people, two were Mubarak’s sons. The fury spilled onto Tahrir Square as people protested the acquittals, for many of these people the only sentence strong enough is the death penalty for all involved – including those acquitted.

Yet despite the disappointment at Mubarak’s sons and friends’ acquittal today is still a landmark day in Egyptian politics. Today proves that people can triumph over power and against all the odds to make change for the better. Although the future for Egypt is not yet clear, at least now there is a faint glimmer of hope. Hopefully Egypt will be a success, just like the success of Eastern Europe after getting rid of its dictators in the early 1990s.

Hosni Mubarak meets his fate with an emotionless face

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