Thursday, 7 June 2012

Horrifying Massacre in Syria

The Assad Regime has lost all legitimacy according to the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, this comes in the context of more regime-backed killing in Syria. Late last night reports began to come in that another massacre on the scale of Houla had taken place in the Hama province. They way in which the massacre was carried out was also very similar to that of Houla, firstly there was shelling of the area, it was only then that the militia moved in and killed whole families.  When UN monitors went to investigate the area they were shot at by the Syrian army.  Up to 100 people are believed to have been killed by regime thugs, most of which belonged to just a handful of families.

Kofi Annan has urged the international community to act as one on the issue of Syria and is asking for a peaceful solution to the conflict. There have been many comparisons made of Syria to Bosnia and Rwanda when thousands were killed while the international community refused to take action. There is also a lot of fear that Syria may got the way of Lebanon and Iraq and end up in a perpetual state of sectarian strife and warfare.

Whatever the solution is, it will take guts to do it and someone will need to step up before we see a massacre on the scale of Srebrenica.

Funeral for those killed in the massacre
(source: Catholiconline)

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