Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ed Miliband's Fantastic Speech

Ed Miliband gave the greatest speech of his career so far at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton. During the speech he made a number of electoral promises for 2015 and beyond. Here are a few of these promises:

1 million green jobs
Tax hike for 88,000 big businesses
Tax cut for 1,500,000 small businesses
Every primary school should have breakfast and after school clubs
Electricity and gas prices would be frozen for 20 months
Labour would build 200,000 social houses every year
Votes for 16/17 year olds
Bedroom tax would be repealed

Although that only seems like a few promises, it is still a year and a half from the next general election so expect a lot more at next year’s conference. It will be the last before the 2015 general election. The speech was very well received in the conference hall, he got four standing ovations during the speech as well as one before and one after.

Many people, particularly in the media and on the right, like to portray Ed Miliband as dorky and uncharismatic, as someone who has no social skills. Well let me tell them that they are categorically wrong. He gives fantastic speeches and is extremely personable and friendly. When I wrote about Ed Miliband last year I was totally wrong. He is a strong leader and will lead Labour to success in 2015.

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