Monday, 22 July 2013

Republican Senate Screw-Ups - Ohio

Republicans should have been able to defeat incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown in 2012. Ohio is a purple state, which means it tends to like moderates from either party, rather than those who are on the more extreme edge of their parties. Brown is frequently named as one of the most liberal Senators, which puts him to the left of his state. This gave Republicans an excellent opportunity to pick up the Buckeye state.

Unfortunately for Republicans they chose a rather weak candidate in state treasurer, Josh Mandel. This race is the only on I will be reviewing in which Republican attitude to rape and abortion did not contribute in a major way to why they lost. One of the major reasons for Mandel's poor performance was his "casual relationship with the truth", as Politifact put it, and his refusal to back down. Mandel largely came across as totally inexperienced compared with Brown's 37 years as an elected official.

To be honest another reason for Mandel losing is how he looks. Mandel looks like he's just finished school, despite being 35, which would have put a lot of people off voting for him by thinking he's younger and more inexperienced than he actually is. I know it appears mean of me to bring up how someone looks, but we all know that in politics, image is everything.

Brown went on to beat Mandel by 6% in the November election.

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