Friday, 31 August 2012

The Government's Attack on Universities

The current government has continued its betrayal of students and the educational establishment. After ruthlessly cutting funding to universities and tripling fees to £9,000 for domestic students, it would appear the government is now going after international students.

When this government entered power in 2010 it promised that immigration would be slashed. The problem with this is that students make up 41% of “immigrants” so immigration cannot be realistically cut without hitting students and thus universities. Yet students should not be counting towards immigration numbers, 80% return to their country of origin. They also contribute to the British economy, of the 20% that choose to stay, many go on to become entrepreneurs and employ thousands of Britons. Foreign (non-EU) students are also essential to the maintenance of our world-class university system, as there are no limits on what universities can charge they often pay tens of thousands of pounds every year. Without foreign students our universities would not work.

This is why what the government is doing is so dangerous. The government has revoked the London Metropolitan University’s right to teach foreign students. This is a major problem as it not only stops new students attending the university, but all current non-EU students will be deported! This is not only disastrous for our image as a country that welcomes foreign students but it also is a moral abomination. The majority of students affected by this have done nothing wrong and are losing all the money they invested in their education.

If the current government has its way we will lose our world class higher education and our country will suffer for generations.

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