Tuesday, 20 March 2012

South East France on Terror Alert

Just hours after a horrifying attack at a Jewish school in Toulouse, the whole region has been put on the highest level of terror alert possible. The reason for the high alert level is because the gun used to kill three children and a rabbi was the same gun involved in the murder of three French soldiers in two separate incidents last week. The authorities believe him to be an ex-army officer who was discharged recently due to links with the far right. Authorities believe his next attack may occur on Friday, as each of the attacks occur four days after the previous one, let’s hope it’s just coincidence and he carries out no more shootings.

The attacks come nine months since the terrifying killing of 77 people in Norway by Anders Breivik, the right wing extremist; this displays a worrying trend to me. Europe prides itself in tolerance when compared with other continents, but tolerance is slowly being ebbed away. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in racist talk and even racist laws, the banning of the face veil in France and the ban on building minarets in Switzerland are very dangerous to European culture. Although the vast majority of people who voted for these laws would oppose the ideology of these men, these laws legitimise their attacks in a way. The murderers see a general move in society to be anti-immigrant from this they convince themselves that this means that society would support the ideas and so carry out these attacks. I understand if my argument lacks logic, but that’s the point, find me a right-wing extremist whose logic makes sense and I’ll find you a pig that can fly.

We must tackle racism head on in Europe and not allow racist people dictate policy to the majority of people who are good, decent and tolerant.

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